Schedule (tentative)

WeekDateTopicAssignments and Dues
1 1/14 Administrivia, Introduction
2 1/21 Small world, Clustering, Weak ties
3 1/28 Scale-free networks
4 2/4 Communities I
5 2/11 Communities II Assignment #1 (due 2/13)
6 2/18 Random graphs
7 2/25 Web and Internet
8 3/4 Network epidemics
9 3/11 Robustness
10 3/18 Spring Break Proposal (due 3/16)
11 3/25 Random walks Assignment #2 (due 3/27)
12 4/1 Collective behavior and information diffusion 1
13 4/8 Project Hackday
14 4/15 Collective behavior and information diffusion 2 Progress report (due 4/17)
15 4/22 Geography and networks Assignment #3 (due 4/24)
16 4/29 Final presentation Final report (5/1)


Time & Location
Tuesday 9:30am-12pm, Informatics West 107
First meeting: Tuesday, Jan. 14th 2014
Yong-Yeol Ahn (YY)
Office: Informatics East Room 316
Phone: (812) 856 2920
Office hours: TBD (You can always email me or use MeetMe)
The course will requires working knowledge of probability, algorithms, linear algebra, and programming.


Networks provide a unifying framework to study many complex systems, such as living cells, brains, society, etc. This course focuses on the fundamentals and key applications of network science, addressing the following questions: why do networks matter? what are the fundamental frameworks and theories to understand the structure and dynamics of networks? how has network framework been applied to other fields? What are the frontiers of the research?


By the end of the course, you will be able to
  1. understand when, how, and why networks matter;
  2. perform network analysis on your networks to gain insights into the system;
  3. carry out a small research project involving network analysis.

Key ideas and concepts

Final assessment

Final assessment will be based on your class project. In the project you will carry out a small network science project in which you will apply methods and knowledge from the class.

Class policies

Academic integrity

The principles of academic honesty and ethics will be enforced. Any cases of academic misconduct (cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, etc) will be thoroughly investigated and immediately reported to the School and the Dean of Students. You should actively discuss with others, but you should write your own report. Credit all the sources (discussion with other students, used softwares, etc).

Grading policy


Papers from previous offerings


The deliverables are

Project proposal

A two to four page document that contains

Proposal presentation

We will follow the Ignite format. You should have 20 slides and each slide will auto-advance every 15 seconds. Submit the slides the day before the class. It should address

Progress reports

The progress report will be a draft of the final paper. I can always discuss about the project with you independent of the progress report. Include all the elements listed in the final paper section below.

Final paper

6-10 pages, single space, two column. You can use a generic CS conference format or other reasonable journal/conference formats.

Final presentation

Each team will have 15 minutes presentation + 5 minutes Q & A. Include the elements outlined for the paper.




Softwares, libraries, and data

Softwares and libraries


Other courses