- Time & Location
- Monday 4pm-5:15pm, Informatics West 107 (Lecture)
Wednesday 4pm-5:15pm, Informatics West 109 (Lab)
First meeting: Monday, Aug. 24th, 2015
- Instructor
- Yong-Yeol (YY) Ahn
Office: Informatics East Room 316
Phone: (812) 856 2920
Office hours: Tuesday 9am-11am, or by appointment
(email me or use MeetMe)
- AI
- Qing Ke
Office hours: TBD
- Announcements
- All announcements will be sent through the Canvas. Please check
Canvas at least once a day.
- Prerequisites
- This course is open to advanced undergraduate students
(I422/H400) as well as graduate students (I590). Because this course
uses programming languages (Python and Javascript) as the main tool,
it is required to have good understanding and working knowledge of
programming. The basic programming courses (I210 & I211, or
equivalent) are required prerequisites. In addition, I308:
``Information Representation'' is a recommended prerequisite. Basic
understanding of statistics and web (HTML, CSS, Javascript) is highly
- Syllabus
- For more information, check out the syllabus
Details TBA