Prospective students


If you wish to work with me, apply to our Complex Systems track in Informatics Ph.D. program.

If you are already at IU, feel free to send me an email, schedule a meeting, or stop by my office.


Please note that I don’t usually have paid positions open because they, if any, usually go to those who are already working in my group. If you are still interested in any form of research engagement through an indepent study or other mechanisms, please follow the instruction below. I’m sorry but you will not receive any response if you don’t follow the instruction because I usually receive many more requests than I can handle. Sorry!

Please help me by sending an email (no LinkedIn messages) with your CV (in PDF format) and a markdown document explaining: (1) why you are applying (what is your goal and ideal outcomes? How long do you want to engage in research project?), (2) your background, strengths, and maybe unique skills (e.g., in math/statistics/programming/ML), (3) your experience (if any) with GitHub and open source projects, and (4) some potential ideas that you may want to pursue given my group’s recent papers. Also please feel free to attach any writing sample.

Note that I’m not selecting the TAs (AIs) for my courset. Please contact appropriate department representative and mention whether you have already taken my course(s) and/or whether you have any teaching experience.



Post-doctoral fellows

PhD Stduents

MS Students

  • Godwin Atuahene

UG Students

  • Joe Malone


Other Student Collaborators


Post-doctoral fellows

  • Attila Varga (co-advisor: Staša Milojević, Alessandro Flammini, and Fil menczer)
  • Sadamori Kojaku (co-advisor: Staša Milojević, Alessandro Flammini, and Fil menczer; Assistant Professor @ SUNY Binghamton)
  • Shirin Nilizadeh (co-advisor: Apu Kapadia; Associate Professor @ UT Arlington)

PhD Stduents

MS Students

UG Students

  • Anushree Divekar
  • Stuti Dewan
  • Paige Closser
  • Ferris Esposito
  • Jeremiah Stevens
  • Yulin Yu
  • Sarah Ewing
  • Anna Branam
  • Luit Saikia
  • Shikun Ding
  • Kehontas Rowe
  • Bryce Lewis

High School Students

  • Ousman Berndt
  • Sudhanva Deshpande
  • Mira Patel


Other Student Collaborators